
The unforced rhythm of Grace.

Yesterday, for like 4 minutes I felt what it feels like to live life with you. It was like the cloudy sky over Cologne opened.

It didn’t, the sky was still grey and yet it felt open. I was present and genuinely happy with the taxi driver. All felt like it had fallen into place and my whole life felt just right. So provided. I knew where the plane in two day would go to: to you.

i felt: this is who i am.

before, on a walk in Cologne, I saw myself, all the years I had traveled alone, never alone, always with an absent David. with a numbed heart.

the night before, i had made my heart the ceo of my life again. and said i trust it. it is able to transmute the pain of the past. i like to think of my heart as the home of God.

Favorite places: in my heart. in your arms. everywhere on this world. Home.



