I am a transformational artist, and my main mediums are words and energy. Words are vehicles for new realities; in fact, they are carriers of energy.
I believe that a liberated and truly joyful life is possible for everyone.
Nothing in life will ever feel right unless it feels like you— including the achievement of your dreams. To me, the definition of "right" is when my energy flows freely (i.e. when I feel alive).
All of my work aims to support you in your transformation. At times, transforming can feel pretty brutal. I believe we must go to our darkest place alone, but we don’t have to be alone during the process.
I have trained in modalities that have been and continue to be extremely helpful to me:
I am a KAP (Kundalini Activation Process) L1 facilitator, transmitting life force energy and non-dual states to help you align with what feels right for you and bring forth your true potential.
I use PSYCH-K® to implement beliefs that support the life vision you hold for yourself—beliefs that work for you, not against you.
As an ECA-certified systemic coach, I facilitate the implementation of your newfound aliveness and beliefs in everyday life until they become your new identity, reflected in your life’s reality.
Further information:
Under the name Mira Roth, I have penned numerous screenplays for German TV. As a student, I co-founded and managed the Berlin housing company feelslikehome for several years, and to this day, I love creating beautiful spaces. I studied at the University of Fine Arts Berlin and Film University Potsdam—and am forever enrolled in the School of Life.
My current base is in Ibiza, surrounded by palm trees and pines, immersed in the sound of the wind and the sea.

This website exists thanks to
>> the coding skills of Laurel Wright, get in touch with her at lwrocks
>> the design skills of Théa de Gubernatis, you can see her portfolio here
>> pictures of the IN LOVE series and SELF-LOVE TO WEAR by Dominika Diandini, see her work here
All other pictures are taken _bymirjam.
If you like them you may use them, please make sure to give credits or tag me and/ or Dominika.
The same goes for the quotes.