I’ve documented some of the transformations I've gone through, hoping my journey can serve as a bridge for you if you find yourself in a similar place.

From addiction(s) to going free.

I’ll never say that any of these addictions were the best thing that ever happened to me. They weren’t. I felt trapped, and miserable, and spent years hating myself for a life that seemed solely focused on breaking free from the chains I had created myself. My energy was consumed by healing, leaving little room to create something beautiful with my talents. At times, even the healing journey teetered on becoming yet another addiction.

However, looking back, I see how overcoming addictions to tangible substances like cigarettes, food, and alcohol—those socially accepted crutches, especially in a place like Berlin—prepared me for the deeper work of dissolving internal patterns. It was the best boot camp for recognizing and releasing those intangible addictions to emotions, stories, and patterns. The journey is similar, whether you're dealing with a substance or a mindset. The goal is the same: returning to the natural, free, and vibrant state we were born into.

Transmuting any addiction is an act of transforming your identity, stepping into the free and alive person you are truly meant to be.