My life free of alcohol began in late summer 2022. The preparation began long before.

  1. Reasons I started drinking

    I wanted to feel light, the free and funny version of myself, being in the moment, able to enjoy it—and express myself.

  2. Reasons I stopped drinking

    I wanted to feel light, the free and funny version of myself, being in the moment, able to enjoy it —and express myself.

    AND: I wanted to be a person who does not run away. 

Before we dive in, I want to make it clear that I’m not a doctor or medical advisor. I’m sharing my personal experience with alcohol—specifically, a level of addiction that isn’t typically classified as alcoholism. It’s the kind of socially acceptable habit that’s common in cities like Berlin: one bottle of wine several times a week. It’s so normalized that we don’t even call it an addiction, but deep down, guilt and shame tell you otherwise. It’s not you choosing to go to the wine store—it’s the wine store pulling you in. That’s how you know it is an addiction.

coming soon

(probably October 24)


A Life without Smoke


Solitude to Sacred Union