Day 1

I woke up after a weird dream. Among other things, I was on a date, in a restaurant—and no one came. When I wanted to check my phone, it was full of messages of different people, I woke up before I could see if the date had written something.

It is early morning. We meet today. A voice within me says: How shall this happen? And starts to plan how I will continue to be when it doesn’t. It actually feels small and overseen.
Yesterday was an amazing day. Amazing because I was full of trust and excitement and very present in each of my moments. I was fully there, whole.

I observe myself. In order to not be disappointed, I practice disappointment or how to handle it. I stop it right here and now. All In into trust. And excitement. This is not about meeting you today. It is about leaving an old victim-identity behind and stepping into the Truth of who I am. This is an instagram phrase. So who am I? A powerful and humbly proud daughter and part of God, ready for the Unknown.

I allow all beliefs and identities that no longer serve me to leave.

I allow you to enter my life today. It is the 1st of June 2024.


Day 2

