37 Allow your Goal to change you

I became aware of something that seemed pretty obvious. It had been obvious before, but there’s a difference between something being obvious and it clicking into your system.

The result you decide upon determines the Now.

The key here is to decide upon the result=goal in manifestatino and not move a millimeter from it.

Deciding on your goal and refusing to deviate from it, from its manifestation in the physical world, sets changes into motion that don’t occur when you treat your goal flakely, telling yourself: I want xyz, but I’m not sure I can have it. I want xyz, but maybe it’s not on my path. I want xyz, but it’s not possible for me.

I entertained all these thoughts for many years, trying to explain to myself why what I wanted didn’t show up in my life. What I was actually doing was refusing to stand firm for my goals.

A goal can only transform you when you make the bold and vulnerable decision that it will happen.

This means that voices will arise asking: Who are you to decide this goal’s outcome? You’re not God.

Certainly not. I’m not God; I’m an expression of God. And I’ve decided that my dreams and what I want to experience in this life are meant to propel me forward.

One of my favorite goals is: I want to live in Sacred Union, and in Sacred Union, together, in and through the greatest Love, give life—in this, not in another lifetime.

Society and I myself might say this is very unlikely. But is it really? From which standpoint is it unlikely? The past? Biology? Statistics? My past stories? How much I trusted in the past? What I used to believe about myself?

The thing is: for former versions of me, my goal wasn’t just unlikely—it was impossible.

When you have a goal that seems unlikely to the “normal” world, you’re forced to change your system of perception and allow your goal to move you.

The version of you for whom your goal is possible will only emerge when you decide upon the manifestation of your goal—and remove everything that says: impossible, unlikely. This includes your resistance to being guided and helped.

Ironically, it’s the very stuff you’ve always wanted to be free of: doubts, feeling unsupported, feeling unworthy, not believing in yourself, and the struggle… and some things specific to you that I might not know of.

This “stuff” has to go when you decide upon your goal because all of it is out of alignment with your goal. Being inconsistent with your goal means allowing this “stuff” to persist.

In my journey, over time, something happened: I started to believe in my goal, its manifestation. When I close my eyes, it feels as if it has already solidified in an energetic sense, as if locked into the field of possibilities, yet unseen by me and the world. I can also feel it with my eyes open.

And with it, something else happens:

You transform from your biggest doubter into your biggest fangirl.

Exactly who you always wanted to be.


38 True Change


36 Buying yourself into something