38 True Change

True change isn't about leaving your country, ending a relationship, or quitting a job. True change is the willingness to become someone new—someone void of reference points.

Except for the ones you create in your future.

Dr. Joe Dispenza often says: Remember. And this, to me, means: remembering the future I want to create. The future I am creating at this moment, choosing who I want to be.

Being void of known reference points feels pretty naked or scary—and at the same time exciting. Becoming void of past reference points is a process. Another way to put it is: becoming emotionally less attached to past reference points (experiences, stories, beliefs).

There are so many ways to do it. Choose the one that feels most right for you.

Here is a selection of what I use(d):
- Grinberg (somatic work to release trauma=stuck emotions from the physical body)
- Emotion Code/ Belief Code/ Body Code (to release trapped emotions from all bodies)
- simply becoming aware of what I tell myself
- simply becoming aware of how my body feels in certain situations of when I think a certain way
- PSYCH-K to reprogram my belief system (Dr. Bruce Lipton is a big fan of this method)
- KAP to surrender what the Higher Intelligence wants to clear and/or strengthen in me
- sober dancing to move (with) my body with music
- Dr. Joe meditations


Becoming Aware of a Solution already there


37 Allow your Goal to change you