29 New Normal Sentences

Pick one—or all

So much goodness to share.

It is getting better and better.

I feel so blessed.

I cried because I felt so blessed.

So much Love.

Simply nourished on all levels.

This was the most amazing day of my life so far.

Everything is just right.

The most magical thing happened.

It makes so much sense now to me.

I feel at the very right place.

PS: Adding sentences you hear from others or read on Instagram to this list is a great practice. If it is not your normal now (not all of the above sentences are mine) or even triggering you, add it, this is a new normal list. Saying them out loud might bring up some resistance (It’s not true, It will never be true for me, How shall this happen..). Notice the resistance, in thoughts, in your body, then soften the tension in your body, let your awareness drop into the heart area, and say your new normal sentence again.




28 Birthrights