28 Birthrights

Some words are used a lot in the spiritual/ conscious/ self-growth scene/ realm. One of them is birthright. There are plenty of others I want to explore deeper, for today, it is birthright.

This morning, after a meditation in which I practiced a new state of being related to living my life in a Sacred Union, I heard myself affirming out loud: living in this state is my birthright.

Yes, and? It is great if something is your birthright and also to claim it as your birthright—however, as with everything, as long as I don’t really feel and accept it as my Truth (in other words: embody it), it is a truth somewhere out there.

So I thought about who I am and how I feel when I deeply accept this birthright as my Truth—as opposed to wanting this feeling of birthright to be my Truth.

  • I don’t fight for the outcome/ state of being.

  • Instead, I move into/ am in this state of being and let the outcome show up.

  • One area of my life where this works well is: doing what I want/ choosing new professions. Economic studies I didn’t like > University of Fine Arts > Drama School > Film University > Founding a housing company > Becoming a screenwriter > Leaving the housing company > Buying and selling my flat > Moving abroad > Becoming a full-time artist

  • If I feel something is my birthright, I don’t ask for permission, neither another person nor some unseen forces. I don’t ask the question: Am I allowed to do this? I don’t even ask myself internally. Is the implementation always easy? No, but I move without the inner obstacle of asking if I am—in general—allowed to do this/ live like this. I don’t ask the question: What if it is simply not for me?

  • I feel centered and calm, grounded and open. This means, my body is relaxed, my pelvis is relaxed and I feel a connection from my pelvis through my heart to my head/ brain.

  • I don’t explain (to God) why this is my birthright as if bargaining for it. I know and trust it is.

Living in harmony with this feeling of birthright means that certain thoughts and feelings can’t stay in my system any longer, thoughts of lack, impatience, feelings of unworthiness, or needing to do more to feel deserving (in other words: convincing God).

The mind kicks and repeats and recites the past, shaking up the feeling of calm and grounded, and trusting. The thing is: in the past, that my mind is reminding me about, I had never considered my wish as my birthright. I had always lived in lack and fight.

So let’s see what happens when I claim and embody a Sacred Union as my birthright.


29 New Normal Sentences


27 Crossing Thresholds