22 Laying down the Unachievable-Shield

What is the positive intention of doubt? When doubt is standing between me and my dream.

ME    doubt     DREAM

Today, in the woods, I felt that doubt is caused by the fear of not experiencing my dream in this lifetime. I have walked with this shield of fear through a field of possibility for years.
My dream has been possible all along. But this shield has been my only reality. And when it was not for periods when I lived almost-dreams, it came back right after. The unachievable-shield brought me to inner work—if I would change enough the shield would vanish and the world would be open to me.

Here is the catch: you can get used to this unachievable-shield. Because you simply don’t know how life feels without it. Because you are used to holding it while walking through your life.

I had glimpses recently, glimpses into simple possibility. This is joy and it is freedom. It is so self-loving to say: I believe in myself and can have my dream.

So here is a new take: what if, in the safety of this shield, you have become the person who is able to hold (on levels: emotionally, spiritually, physically, sexually, energetically) your dream. It has protected you from achieving your dream prematurely.
But now, to experience your dream, all you have to “do“is to lay down the shield.
This point will come—where no more work behind the shield needs to be done.

I feel, for me this point is now (concerning two dreams, not all of them). I have become a woman who is able to hold her dream on all levels. And in the first place, this means I have become a woman who can hold herself.
However, it is new for me to lay down the shield, because all I knew until now was doing more work. I am not even sure how to lay down the shield. And so I do it by setting the intention:

I am ready and willing to lay down the unachievable-shield and allow myself to float in possibility. My dream is possible for me and I am ready to hold it.


23 Divine Timing


21 A Gnu to my Lions