18 Fearless Faith

It is time to remind myself about fearless Faith again. In the past weeks, Faith came easily to me, and I was kind of floating on or in the feeling of "It's already done," living what Wayne Dyer once said: "Infinite patience comes from infinite Trust."

Today is a day that needs a reminder—about the "right" flavor of Faith. Faith freed from fear.

It is easy to flavor Faith with fear. Faith is needed when I feel weak, when my dreams feel out of reach, or when I focus more on what isn't rather than what should already be in my life. Let’s call this version of Faith, "faith" with a small "f."

After spending some hours in this small "f" faith, I asked myself how it feels in my body. The short answer is: helpless and small. And then I asked myself if this is the way I want to feel. The even shorter answer is: no.

I know that my dreams only come true with God's hand involved. Faith, to me, is a communication with God. Sometimes, it is more challenging to live in the end, as if you have already received, having grateful or joyful Faith. Because there are moments when you feel weak and hopeless.

In these moments, it helps to see Faith as a key—the only key to open the door to the experience of your dream. Fearless Faith doesn’t mean feeling like a warrior queen who is sure to win (though that feeling is amazing as well)—it means accepting and deciding to use your key, saying: "And so it is."


19 Favorite Sentences


17 Surrender (and again)